
High School Girl's Volleyball

MISSION: Brighton High School Girls Volleyball Team is dedicated to developing athletes of character, coaching life-long skills, and instilling a passion for the game in a positive environment.

VISION: At Brighton High School Girls Volleyball Team our vision is that players will be given the opportunity to learn the game of volleyball at the highest possible level, while simultaneously learning the important life lessons of teamwork, commitment, and time management, sportsmanship, and dependability. Our players will come to know the importance of giving their best effort to the things that are the importance of giving their best effort to the things that are important to them and carry forward the values we share for the betterment of the rest of their lives. 


  • Effort: We believe in rewarding and praising effort, regardless of the outcome
  • Passion: We instill a love for the sport that encourages volleyball in life
  • Respect: We promote ethical behavior, fair play, and respect for the game and all its participants
  • Integrity: We act in a fair and consistent and transparent manner
  • Dedication: We expect all members to make a commitment to the club and to its teams
  • Excellence: We set, work towards, and achieve the highest standards

Volleyball Team Meetings, Practices, and Games

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